From past few months…he is so cut off…as if he didn’t want
to talk anymore…he didn’t want me
anymore…but he promises me that it will be fine soon…he will make things
work.I felt so depressed, and guilty… may be Alex is right… I am not good for
him anymore… may be I am not that responsible anymore… her friends say that he
is not worth this wait…or he is not the one for me…but I know how much he loves
me…its just the bad time calling. I know I haven’t been the best supporter in
recent times…and he deserve much better.
But I am trying…trying my best…to make him feel loved, cared and trusted.
But there has to be
some way…there are no just two ways… we
are together from three years…the relationship we had…the love we shared… but
we have lost everything… but we are still together for old time’s sake…waiting
this phase to pass… we are still very much in love…just the demonstration has
reduced to null.
But I am sure it will be fine…once got promoted…he is
working so hard…but with his father’s business going dumb…he needs to run all
the errands.
(phone started ringing)
I saw his name flashing, picking up the phone –“hey baby!
Howz u? and how did it go?”
Alex- “I am fine. Got in….”
Ana- “wow… I am so happy for you my love… everything will be
fine now… worst is over”
Alex-“Have just reached home, going for a shower. You sleep,
I will talk to you tomorrow.”
Ana-“you go and freshen up… eat something, and then call, I
want to know how did it go”
Alex-(resigning) “Whatever”
And he disconnected… I don’t know what I did wrong… what’s
wrong if I want to know the details…may be he is too tired.
An hour later…I messaged him…”Baby still waiting for your
No reply
I messaged-“Good Night Sweetheart… love,ana”
But I couldn’t sleep… I wanted to know what exactly
happened…our future depends on this job…
Finally at 4:00 am I called him…
And to my shock…his number was busy.
I called him again and again….and at last he picked after an
hour…and then I was feeling like hell…crying as if everything was over. And for
me it was. I have everything in my life… cool parents, good job and him… but
losing anyone of these is nightmarish.
Ana-“your no was busy…”
Alex-“were you trying to keep a check on my?”
Ana-“I want the answer….whom were you talking to?”
Alex-“you don’t trust me”
Alex-“to Ryan(his friend)”
Ana- “don’t lie…have just received a text from him…- he
asked me to put down the phone…so that he can talk to you”
Alex-“I was talking to Sophie(his cousin)”
(trying to be calm) Ana-“Don’t lie… just tell me one thing-
Alex-“Ana there is nothing like that”
Ana-“you are not”
Alex-“ I am …I am sorry baby… I love you.”
Ana-“I trusted you….and I am sorry to myself”
And I disconnected.
I got an instant text-“I am sorry baby…this won’t happen
Switching off my phone and the lights…I fall on my bed… my
heart aching as if someone is tearing it apart…I lay there for don’t know how
Have so much to think about….
But the most important-Why????
Why he did so???
I don’t care who she is….because in the end no matter
what….he cheated me…my love…my trust.
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